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There are children turning up dead in this sad dying city and a special unit is called out to investigate the problem.The medical examiner can not find a reason why the children are dead.There are no wounds, no poison - it is as if they just got tired and went to sleep.But the head of this special cop unit recognizes what is killing the children.
Like him, the person killing the children is not human.It is a psychic vampire, and even though the cop keeps his talents hidden in order to work with this city police department, he is a practicing Master Wizard.He is the only one who can handle such a killer.Still, he needs the assistance of his lover, a white witch who owns a curio shop guarded by a fat black cat called Mistress Queen.
It takes him, his lover and his two partners to do everything possible to stop this vampire, even at the risk of the lives of those he cares about the most.
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402 Arlington Ave., East
Oldsmar, FL. 34677
Muriel (M. Garnet, Author)
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